23. Exploring Kinodynamic Fabrics for Reactive Whole-Body Control of Underactuated Humanoid Robots
22. (IROS 2022) Optimal Constrained Task Planning as Mixed Integer Programming
21. IROS 2021 presentation for my work on Probabilistic Inference in Planning for Partially Observable Long Horizon Problems
20. (RAL 2021) Elephants Don’t Pack Groceries: Robot Task Planning for Low Entropy Belief States
19. Digit distributes packages into their respective rooms
18. Simulated Digit takes a stroll in his new apartment
17. Simulated Digit serving groceries at a diner
16. Simulated Digit robot packing groceries
15. Cartbot 3.0 shows off his new extendable super-arms!
14. Cartbot 3.0 performs kitchen tasks
13. Sensorimotor Cross-Behavior Knowledge Transfer [Data collection scheme]
12. Map-independent online generation of alternate plans for fast local planning
11. Fast Global planning without Prior Map and with asymptoticaly-reducing search space
10. Object-picking mechanism for Cartbot
9. Voice-controlled fridge for Assistive Robotics Applications
8. RASCAPP takes a few steps
7. RASCAPP robot pours drink into cup
6. RASCAPP robot interprets voice commands and performs corresponding tasks.
5. RASCAPP robot opens the fridge and picks up a bottle of water in the fridge
4. RASCAPP robot performs visual localization using AR tags as landmarks. It uses a camera fixed to its base to locate the tags.
3. RASCAPP robot, instructed by voice commands picks soda can from the ground. It uses the Kinect camera mounted on its head for 3D pose estimation of object.
2. RASCAPP’s First Joystick Control test.
1. Testing our autonomous localization algorithm of RASCAPP’s mobile base. The mobile base localizes itself autonomously with the aid of AR markers and a web camera only.