- KinodynamicFabrics.jl
- A Julia implementation of the Kinodynamic Fabrics whole-body control framework.
- [Code]
- PyBullet.jl
- A Julia wrapper for the PyBullet Physics Engine
- [Code]
- MuJoCo.jl
- A Julia wrapper for the MuJoCo Physics Engine
- [Code]
- Fabrics.jl
- A Julia implementation of Geometric Fabrics
- [Code]
- HPD.jl
- A Julia package for parsing Hybrid PDDL Description language(HPD) files.
- [Code]
- contact_sim.jl
- A Julia package for 2D contact physics simulation by solving Linear Complementarity Problems.
- [Code]
- filters.jl
- A Julia package with implementations of the various kinds of Bayesian Filters. i.e. Kalman Filter, Extended Kalman Filter, Unscented Kalman Filter, Particle Filter, etc.
- [Code]
- mujoco_sim.jl
- A Julia package for MuJoCo physics simulation and visualization
- [Code]
- lipm.jl
- A Julia package for Bipedal locomotion with the Linear Inverted Pendulum reduced-order model
- [Code]
- miplanner.jl
- Formulates symbolic planning as a mixed integer optimization problem and solves it using an off-the-shelf MIP solver.
- [Code]
- pybullet_kitchen
- A simple pybullet-based kitchen with articulated drawers
- [Code]
- digit_sim
- A pybullet-based simulation of the Digit robot which has custom 6-DOF arms, IKFast inverse kinematics solver, motion planner and rides a sleek hoverboard for navigation.
- [Code]
- Map-agnostic Global Planner
- During my time at Near Earth Autonomy, I developed a map-agnostic global planner which has comparable performance to state-of-the-art map-dependent global planners.
- [Video]
- Map-independent Online Generation of Alternate Paths for fast local planning
- In this work, I develop a local planning algorithm based on VFH+ for fast local planning.
- [Code] [Blog Post] [Video]
- Object picker module for Cartbot
- Andrew Sack, Jonathan Chang, James Liao and myself built an object-picker mechanism to be attached to Cartbot. The purpose of this attachment is to enable Cartbot to pick arbitrary objects from the ground and put them on a higher platform like a table or to transfer objects between surfaces of different heights.
- [Video]
- CVoice-Controlled Fridge for Assistive Robotics Applications
- In this work by Chenlu Wu and I, we develop actuation mechanism and voice-control module for opening and closing a fridge. The goal for this work is to enable people with physical disabilities to use the fridge. Future work would focus on enabling such people to take food from the fridge
- [Video]
- Creating Cartbot: The 3 DOF mobile-manipulator robot
- In this work, Prof. William Messner (PI), Kentaro Barhydt (PhD Candidate) and I work on converting a shopping cart into a mobile robot base for the RASCAPP robot.
- [Blog Post] [Video] [Code]
- Building RASCAPP: A mobile-manipulator Domestic Assistant robot
- Robot ‘learns’ drink pouring skills
- In this post, I describe how I got RASCAPP, our mobile manipulator robot (basically Baxter on an electric wheelchair) to perform drink-pouring tasks. I also deliberate on the bigger picture; how to balance learning vs planning in domestic assistant mobile manipulator robots.
- [Blog Post] [Video]
- Implementing the classic bug algorithms in simulation and on real-life robot
- In this post, I describe the bug algorithms, my implementation details of this algorithm in a gazebo simulator and on Cartbot, a real-life robot.
- [Blog Post]
- Self-adaptive whole-body manipulation for correcting failed robot grasps
- In this work, I deliberate, propose and implement a novel approach by which mobile manipulator robots can re-adjust their entire bodies to increase the chances of successfully grasping an object after a failed grasp attempt.
- [Blog Post]
- Setting up SLAM on RASCAPP robot
- In this work, I set up both the hardware and software systems necessary to get our mobile manipulator robot, RASCAPP, perform Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in the lab.
- [Blog Post]